Of Shoes and Ships and Ceiling Wax and Cabbages and Kings


For most people, this title means nothing. For others, they would decry it decidedly not on the maps of myths.

For me…

A few nights ago, I remembered this blog for the first time in a long while. I read some of the old posts, marveling at how indulgent I sounded, how I was primarily moored in the mundanity of the events of my early forties, and how I really did try for wisdom amidst the mediocrity.

I really did try.

So I spent maybe five minutes reading a couple of posts, then I noticed the time was getting late and so I got up to go to bed. I walked a few steps, and stopped. In that moment I experienced a vivid flash of memory: I was hanging out with my family in the summer of 2011. I got up and said something like, “I need to make a post on my blog by this evening.” I don’t know what arbitrary deadline I had set for myself—perhaps I had promised my handful of readers (most of whom were in the room with me at that moment) I would post again soon. But off I went, with a sense of importance and excitement.

Anyway, as I stood in the present, remembering this, I started to tear up. Who did I think I was? Christ, I was in my early forties. How embarrassing. Couldn’t I see how immature and self-important I was being about a silly blog that no one really read?

Then I took another step and I immediately stopped my maudlin nonsense. After all, bedtime and my middle aged nightly beauty routine were beseeching me to walk with them for a pleasant night’s sleep.

Since then, an idea keeps returning to my mind. Why DID I tell stories of the Map of Myths? For an inflated sense of self-importance? For people to praise my writing? Or because it was nonsensical fun?

I think, in all honesty, it was all three. And I also think—more so than I ever allowed myself to think when I was younger—that you don’t have to be important or praiseworthy, or even pleasing—if you lean into the nonsensical fun.

So, I am tossing this into a void with no expectation for it ever to be read or any wisdom to be gleaned: I think I want to have fun again. See you soon.

One response »

  1. YAY!!! NEW BLOG POST!!! I love it. Thanks for writing. I think you don’t give yourself quite as much credit as I’d like you to. I have always loved your writing voice. I think it is thoughtful, intelligent, inventive. I like that we get to see a bit more of your serious side. And of course I love the nonsensical fun as well, if that’s what you decide to lean into. You’re a good writer and I’m happy to go wherever you decide to take us (if you want).

    Related to what you are posting, I actually went through something a bit similar recently. I took a look at my theater blog for the first time in years a few weeks ago (I wanted to see if I had ever written anything on the blog about Sunset, and it turns out I had, and that fact made me happy, and even better I still agreed with basically everything I had said about it). Now, I don’t really plan on restarting my own blog because it drained me too much (and I was definitely way out of my depth on some of the shows I wrote about), but I’m glad I tried to articulate and share my thoughts for a while and I think you should be glad too. I just looked at your post on losing dad, for example, and found it incredibly meaningful. I found a lot of wisdom there.

    Anyway if you decide to keep posting I’ll be delighted to read more!

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